
One of the benefits of sea kayaking is the ability to be self-sufficient for multi-day or even multi-weeklong trips. This opens up a whole dimension of opportunities for adventure and for experiences that are unique to sea kayaking. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of getting away from it all on a sea kayaking expedition with a few friends, or even doing a solo trip. Sea Cliff Paddlers aims to provide adventurous paddlers with the knowledge, skills and club contacts to enable them to plan and undertake sea kayaking expeditions successfully. Expeditions require a range of skills including, planning, rough water boat handling, reading the weather and tides, navigation, electronic communications, dealing with surf, safety at sea, and self and assisted rescues. Sea Cliff Paddlers provides members with the opportunity to participate in formal club training events such as rescue training and skills development sessions as well as access to regular open water club paddles such as our weekly Tuesday afternoon session. Regular participation in club paddles provides valuable exposure to a range of sea conditions in a risk-managed and supportive environment so that club members can build the competencies and confidence needed to tackle expeditions.

Previous Expeditions

  • Broughton Island

    Eight Sea Cliff Paddlers set off from Jimmy’s Beach at Hawkes Nest in early September for the 25km ocean crossing to the beautiful Esmerelda Cove at Broughton Island for two nights of camping and a full day exploring the island and its surrounds…

  • West Coast of Tasmania | Jan 2024

    Todd and Marty from Sea Cliff Paddlers along with their mate Doug, paddled from Cockle Creek to Strahan on the wild Southwest coast of Tasmania…

  • Eden to Mallacoota

    It was a fast run in real numbers but even faster in terms of how the time disappeared as we dealt with one steep wave at a time…

  • Bass Strait

    Sea Cliff Paddlers, Paul, Graham, John and Rachel undertook a 16 day sea kayak expedition across Eastern Bass Strait starting in Port Welshpool in Victoria and finishing at Little Musselroe Bay on the Northeastern coast of Tassie…