Broughton Island
This is a gem of a trip, and so close to home!
Eight Sea Cliff Paddlers set off from Jimmy’s Beach at Hawkes Nest in early September for the 25km ocean crossing to the beautiful Esmerelda Cove at Broughton Island for two nights of camping and a full day exploring the island and its surrounds. Ocean conditions were unusually placid, and sunny and mild conditions prevailed throughout the three days - what a treat!
Broughton Island is sea kayaker’s playground with it’s craggy coast, beautiful beaches and stunning cliffs and caves. The trip included a circumnavigation of Broughton and Little Broughton islands, a sticky beak at some caves, walks on the island, fishing and a stunning display of stars at night.
No trip to Broughton would be complete without the serenade of thousands of short-tailed shearwater chicks in burrows on the island awaiting their returning parents. Despite the cacophony it is a privilege to camp in this unique natural environment surrounded by a rookery for our precious sea birds.
The waters off Nelson Bay and surrounding Broughton Island are rich in wildlife and did not disappoint. Our expeditioners were treated to multiple whale sightings (some of them quite lively!), dolphins, seals, large schools of yellow-tailed king fish streaming under the kayaks, a giant sting ray and turtles.
We returned to Hawkes Nest, tired but with plenty of smiles, especially from our first-timers who had a great introduction to expeditions.